
  • Bangladesh revisited

    Bangladesh revisited

    10th June 2011

    Remember the three Bangladesh visitors to Amble (JCSC) last November? The result of that get together…

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  • JCSC hairdressing success

    JCSC hairdressing success

    10th June 2011

    Students studying Hairdressing as part of their vocational learning at James Calvert Spence College, Acklington Road…

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  • Toon call for Phil?

    Toon call for Phil?

    10th June 2011

    Local footballer Phil Airey is hoping for his big break this summer as he waits to…

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  • Facelift for JCSC

    Facelift for JCSC

    9th June 2011

    As students at JCSC broke up for the Easter half term, decorators were brought into the…

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  • JCSC new uniform, new decor

    JCSC new uniform, new decor

    18th May 2011

    As students at JCSC broke up for the Easter half term, decorators were brought into the…

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  • Spurreli ice cream challenge winner announced

    Spurreli ice cream challenge winner announced

    13th May 2011

    Billy Handyside has won the Spurreli Ice Cream Challenge. Nine year old Billy was chosen as the winner…

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  • Amble youngsters climb Everest

    Amble youngsters climb Everest

    20th April 2011

    UPDATE May 23: This event has now raised over £1300. On Friday 15 April 2011 the…

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  • Ofsted report delights

    Ofsted report delights

    14th April 2011

    Headteacher, Paul Heeley of Amble Links First School and his staff are absolutely delighted with the…

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  • Reading in strange places

    Reading in strange places

    11th April 2011

    To celebrate World Book Day at the beginning of March, children, parents and staff at Amble…

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  • Early education at Brambles

    Early education at Brambles

    16th February 2011

    The government has recently increased funding for children aged 3 and 4 years, from 12 1/2…

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