
  • Advice from the NHS

    Advice from the NHS

    23rd July 2010

    Advice from the NHS When was your last visit to the dentist? Regular check-ups at your…

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  • Age Concern: Private social day services for older people

    Age Concern: Private social day services for older people

    23rd July 2010

    Age Concern: Private social day services for older people Day Care services are for older people…

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  • Capt’n Coquet’s Corner

    Capt’n Coquet’s Corner

    23rd July 2010

    Capt’n Coquet’s Corner Coquet Estuary – Eider Estuary! This year has seen a dramatic change in…

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  • Warmer weather increases need for Amble Lifeboats

    Warmer weather increases need for Amble Lifeboats

    23rd July 2010

    Warmer weather increases need for Amble Lifeboats Both the All-weather Lifeboat ‘The Four Boys’ and the…

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  • Black Bridge reopens

    Black Bridge reopens

    23rd July 2010

    Black Bridge reopens The Black Bridge over the River Coquet was severely damaged during the floods…

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  • The Chelsea Flower Show and the Journey of Life

    The Chelsea Flower Show and the Journey of Life

    23rd July 2010

    Coquet Churches Together The Chelsea Flower Show and the Journey of Life One of the (very…

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  • Amble Area Community Forum

    Amble Area Community Forum

    23rd July 2010

    A meeting of the Forum took place on Monday 14th June. Members received a presentation from…

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  • Cutting with care

    Cutting with care

    23rd July 2010

    Cutting with care Since 1990 Northumberland County Council has struggled to deliver services because of a…

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  • Dog ban on beaches?

    Dog ban on beaches?

    23rd July 2010

    Dog ban on beaches? Despite announcements from Northumberland Tourism that the county attracts more tourists (and…

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  • Action stations in Amble

    Action stations in Amble

    23rd July 2010

    Action stations in Amble Northumberland action man Bruce Durham (pictured right) has moved his business “Premier…

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