Royal British Legion: news Jan-March 2014
Our Chairman Jeff Watson was sad to report that our Honorary President, Gordon Charlton of Warkworth, ex Royal Air Force, passed away 23 December 2013. He was previously Branch Secretary and one of the longest serving committee members of the old Warkworth Branch before we merged with Amble three years ago. Our Branch Standard Bearer, Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and many members attended his funeral service on 6 January 2014 at St Lawrence’s Church, Warkworth. The Committee and members offer their deepest sympathy to his wife Alma.
Next Branch Meeting.
Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 19 at 7pm in the Legion Room, Warkworth Memorial Hall.
Our guest speaker will be Stephen Moore who will give us a talk on the transportation plan for the WW2 Allied Invasion of Normandy, France, June 1944, codenamed “Operation Overlord”.
Guests – suggested donation of £2.50 to include buffet.
Five Day Coach Trip to WW1 Battlefields 7-13 Sept, 2014
As part of our WW1 Centenary activities, Northumbria Royal British Legion are organising a coach trip to the WW1 Battlefields of France on Sept 7, 2014 with Craiggs Travel of Amble. Sailing from Hull the 5 day trip will be on a Bed/Breakfast/Dinner basis and cost £390. A few seats left so don’t delay. An experience not to be missed. Pick ups locally or en route to Hull.
Enquiries Tel Derek on 0191 5815247.