Amble Town Council news: March-April 2014
Meetings 6.30p.m. unless stated otherwise
Town: 13th March,10th April Amenities: 20th March (Site visit 5.30pm)
Finance: 27th March, 24th April (7.30p.m.) Cemeteries: 27th March
HOW OFTEN do we hear, ‘There’s nothing to do in Amble.’ Many know that there are lots of things happening in our small community; for all ages from toddlers to pensioners. Unfortunately details of these activities/social gatherings/sports etc. are not always known to everyone and it is more often ‘word of mouth’ that alerts you to something to catch your interest. Anyone new to the area finds it even more difficult as they don’t know many people, but they could make friends if they only knew what was happening in the town. It would be really useful to have a list of the various community groups/activities in the town (and its immediate surrounding area) which take place. It might be a coffee morning, a sports session, an interesting talk, a music night. If it takes place on a regular basis – every week/ month we’d like to know the name of the group/activity, when and where it takes place, any cost involved and some organiser contact details. This will not be a date diary but a list which can then be put onto the Council’s website for lots of people to view and see just how much is available to them. Send the information to the Council email address and hopefully we will soon be able to upload a large choice to interest every age group.
INITIAL MEETINGS have been held to work on a project to commemorate the centenary of WW1. Volunteers are researching documents to get a picture of Amble and its surrounding area from around 1900-1925, when the Clock Tower War Memorial was erected. This will be needed to show the changes in the town and the personal and social life of its people.
Community sessions will be held asking you to talk about family memories or bring along any artifacts relating to that time and, in particular, the details of those who left home to serve their country. We have a number of groups interested and are keen to involve people from the 11- 25 years group to enhance their understanding of the effects of the changes. We hope to compile a booklet, produce a DVD and add another aspect to the current GPX trail. Please begin to reminisce with the older people in your family and jot down the memories they have of talks with their parents, grandparents, relations or family friends who lived through the early part of the 20th century.
HMP NORTHUMBERLAND have refurbished two council seats. (The Council had a partnership with the prison; they hope to continue this with Sodexo, the new management organisation) Permission was obtained from Amble Development Trust to put them in the Memorial Gardens to replace two which had fallen into disrepair. A memorial VE/VJ plaque will be placed on one and in August a plaque to commemorate the centenary of WW1 will be placed on the other. It seems appropriate to place these here in memory of those who gave their lives at these times.
THE NOVEMBER switch-on, was a wonderful display and welcome to our town, from the tree in High Street to the Town Square. This was made possible by the hard work of a small band of volunteers who look after the lights and erect them, collect and erect the tree and organise the parade and switch-on. What a reward for them to see so many people enjoying themselves and donating their loose change for more lights and events – an example of our community working together. Start saving your coppers now for this year’s parade.
Something even better would need more people coming forward to help. Everyone has talents they can offer. Whether it’s giving expert advice or working with others to share a professional skill, helping to put tables and chairs out or tidy an area; it’s all valuable help to enable community events. No doubt groups are busy with plans for this year but three things spring to mind: churches will soon be holding Easter events; the United Reformed Church will be fundraising for church roof repairs; Puffin Festival plans are underway. So why not think of how you can help. Let’s all try to be an involved part of our wonderful community and not just a bystander.
THREE COAL TRUCK planters have arrived for Amble. In addition to the one at the ‘fish roundabout’ there will be one near James Calvert Spence College and one in the grassed area in Coquet Street. Another has been donated to the Links Caravan Park to enhance the entrance from Hauxley. They will be planted with spring bulbs and perennials to give a bright display and reduce the annual costs. Spring bulbs have been planted in the Dilston Terrace planters to add to the perennials there. (Donations of bulbs would be gladly received as it will be NCC and Amble Town Council’s policy to mostly use these and perennials in the town’s floral beds and planters.)
Poppy seeds have been planted at all entrances to the town. This was made possible by funding from Amble Town Council, Warkworth Parish Council and the Amble & Warkworth Rotary Club. Hopefully there will be a magnificent display in late Spring.
This year the Council is sponsoring the floral planter at the bottom of the Wynd; the theme will be the WW1 Commemoration.
DUE TO a resignation, the Council had a vacancy in its Central Ward. The vacancy had to be publically advertised to determine whether there was to be an election or whether the Council co-opts another member. The advertisement for the vacancy was initially incorrectly worded so to comply with legistration, NCC had to re-advertise the vacancy. The closing time for a decision on whether to hold a formal election fell over Christmas; however 10 electors from the ward requested an election be held. So candidates were invited to submit their names. The Council must pay the full costs of the election: last time it was around £2,500. Three names were submitted so a formal election, was held on 20th February. By now, the Council will have a newly elected member; we welcome him/her and hope their time working for the town is enjoyable.
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Office hours: 10-11.30a.m. & 1.30-3p.m. Monday to Friday Minutes available to view in Office or online