Community Messaging
Would you like to get up to date reports from Northumbria Police about what they’ve been doing in the Amble area? Or send an email to your local bobby with a question, information, or just to voice a concern?
A Community Messaging pilot scheme was launched in Rothbury and proved such a success that police are rolling the idea out to other communities and have chosen Amble as the next beneficiary. All you need to do is sign up with an email address and you will receive a bulletin every three months. If an emergency should arise, the police would be able to email everyone with up to date information, similarly if you had a question or wanted to contact your local neighbourhood police, you can email them directly.
Inspector Sue Peart told The Ambler “In Rothbury over 1,500 people signed up to this community messaging scheme. It’s a great way to keep everyone informed. For example in last winter’s bad weather, we were able to say ‘are you or any of your relatives cut off with the snow? Does anyone need any prescriptions bringing, because we’re heading up in the 4×4’”
“We still intend to hold meetings, but we know not everyone can get to them and so we don’t always get to hear what busy mums’ problems are because obviously they’re too busy with their kids to attend meetings. And older people can’t always get to meetings.”
All information will be kept in the strictest confidence and no details will be passed on to any other organisation. “Only your neighbourhood policing team would pick up the emails and they would be the ones who would reply. You don’t even have to give your name.”
The email bulletins are produced once every three months and other emails would be sent around specific events or information. A hard-copy version of the bulletin will also be available for people to pick up from various outlets. If you are interested in signing up for Amble’s community messaging scheme please email:
Anna Williams