Amble Town Council Report #148

Posted on 03rd October 2024 | in Amble Town Council , Community

Meetings – Town: 10th Oct. 14th Nov 6pm. Council Office
 28th Nov. at 6pm. Council Office

At long last we are due to have the promised improvements made to these. The planned works are out for contract and are due to be completed before the end of March. Portaloos will be located nearby whilst they are out of use. Council noted that whilst initial specifications offered updated facilities, many structural defects appeared to have been omitted. A meeting with NCC Officers is scheduled for September to try and press forward our concerns e.g. better drainage and ventilation as well as more robust sanitary ware. The town badly needs these improvements but afterwards we must be vigilant and report any persons we see vandalising them.

Unfortunately it was not possible to have the water feature working this summer. Repairs to the vandalised pump have been carried out and it is hoped it will be working next year. However there is no guarantee that it will be repairable should it be vandalised again. Council have had a high definition CCTV camera installed but still rely on your watchfulness and reporting to catch the culprits who take delight in destroying items for our children’s pleasure. Council has again been asked why pools cannot be installed here. Following the latest request, Council asked other areas about their running costs – for 3 months usage, costs are in the region of £20,000 plus insurance etc.- no small sum. NCC were asked about this idea when the area was being revitalised. The advice was that the area would need to be manned, would have to use fresh water at a controlled rate so as not to adversely affect others in the vicinity and would require filtration and chemical treatment (sea water is unacceptable). The water area was plagued by seagulls and their detritus, and people allowed dogs and horses to enter and drink from it – this meant emptying and refilling every time. (A previous attempt to enclose the area had resulted in the materials being unofficially removed!) It was determined the idea was not feasible but that an alternative type of water play for young children would be installed. This has given children much pleasure – when it has been left to work and not destroyed by uncaring others!

Work to renew this roof is planned. Council apologise for any inconvenience which will be kept to a minimum. We are looking into ways to improve the floor – many methods have been tried but sadly the footfall continues to wear it down- despite using industrial types of materials. We do appreciate this is the main stop for the town, so we do want it to look good. The shelters on Acklington Road are also being checked for any remedial work required.

In July, Mayor Craig Weir was delighted to present certificates and awards to many in the town. The judge from Alnwick Gardens was pleased to see so many well-tended gardens and urged people to walk around to see the colour and variety of exhibits in the town. It was praise worthy as it had been a challenge this year with the changeable weather. The Civic Awards are given to those who have quietly gone around doing things for their community with little thought of acknowledgement – but without these types of people our community would be lacking in many ways. Eileen Regan had carried out extensive work to help refugees and displaced persons settle into their new and much different environment. Amble AFC had worked tirelessly to offer opportunities for our young people to participate in sport and thereby to learn not only about the value of developing their own abilities and confidence but also that of working together to achieve more. Their band of volunteers have also gathered donations and then tirelessly worked on improving the facilities for these youngsters and visiting teams.

Is it open yet? For the end of last year and for most of this we have been assured by NCC that the legal negotiations are well underway – it will be repaired and opened. NCC assured everyone the work would be carried out as soon as access was given. We do know legal procedures can be lengthy, but this does seem to have dragged on and on. We really do hope that all can again enjoy this lovely stroll for years to come.

Work was due to start on these garage conversions in September. Council did raise concerns about pedestrian access at Kennedy Road and refuse collection at St. Lawrence’s Avenue – but it is up to the developer whether to carry out our suggestions. NCC have assured us these are primarily for over 55s and those with disabilities which warrant level dwelling; the policy is to offer locally first before accepting bids from the wider county area.

Council are pursuing the idea of some type of community use for this building. Getting information about the building and its running costs from NCC and Education sources has been slow. Structural and energy surveys, contracted by your Council, have shown renovation and improvements are needed before internal changes are considered. How viable will it be to cover the estimated annual costs. Hopefully the September ‘drop in’ session for the community gives an indication of what our community want for this and how it could be used to everyone’s benefit – that is vital to getting finance towards the works needed.

{Views expressed are those of the individual and not necessarily those of the council}
Recently, councillors worked closely with Sixth Form students at James Calvert Spence College and under the guidance of Mr Russell Gaines, Head of Vocational Education, produced a website for the Amble community. Students were given a brief to work to, basically a place where local groups and organisations could advertise when and where they meet thus creating a one-stop-shop for leisure and sporting activities within Amble. The fruits of their labours can be seen by visiting .
It is always heartening to return to the school and witness creativity in action. However, these projects only work with the support of our community, therefore I ask that if you are a member of a group or are organising a community event which would be of interest to the people of Amble, or any visitors to the town, please contact the Clerk to get information added and help populate the events diary.
Cllr Ian Parks


Email: Twitter: @AmbleTC Facebook:

Office hours: 10.30am-12noon & 1.30-3p.m. Monday to Friday Vicki Smith, Town Clerk

This page is written and paid for by Amble Town Council

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