Trust Life #146

Posted on 30th May 2024 | in Amble Development Trust , Community

News from Amble Development Trust

In the last few weeks we have been concentrating on the Welfare, completing the additional fence, planting the hedge and fruit trees and …… still waiting for a start date for the Playzone!

The football teams have done a great job in the pavilion which is looking fantastic. It’s amazing what can be achieved through teamwork and we thank everyone for all their hard work and support.

Sadly we have had some damage to the children’s play area during the Easter holidays. And despite the comments on social media trying to place the blame on the standard of work, we can categorically say that it was caused by a few young people whose parents have been spoken to. The contractor will be carrying out repairs when the weather is suitable.

The incident at the Welfare in December rumbles on. Northumbria Police are still investigating so hopefully we will hear something soon – possibly!

After the Town Council held a preparatory Neighbourhood Development Plan meeting, a follow up was organised to form a steering group to progress the plan. A chair was elected and a note taker offered their services. The chair has already been proactive and contacted NCC to ask an officer to attend the next meeting along with a representative from Warkworth ND Planning group to offer advice. There is an intention to set up various methods of information sharing to ensure everyone has the ability to be kept up-to-date on progress and be involved if they wish.

It should be stressed that there will be various ways of being involved, so not everyone will need to commit to attending all meetings. Some may prefer to pass on information. Whatever your preference, I’m sure there could be a role for you. And of course it offers everyone the opportunity to have a say.

And, finally, while we have lost two long standing local businesses we are also able to welcome some new businesses to Queen Street. It’s good to see Amble is still attractive and has something to offer new businesses.

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