Town Council Report:Sep/Oct

Posted on 02nd September 2010 | in Community

garden competition winners 2010By the time you read this the Town garden and allotment prizes will have been awarded; my thanks to all who were involved in making it a success.

The gardens, in spite of the late spring and dry June, were splendid and it must have been a very difficult task picking the winners.
Many thanks to the judge, Trevor from Alnwick Gardens, who also decided on the best in each ward and the overall Cup winner. Do go and look at them if you have a moment. The allotments were once more a delight to go round- talking to the gardeners who take great pride in their crops- it made my task in picking a winner very difficult. They just get better each year.

Following my request, I attended a meeting at County Hall in July in an attempt to find out what the future holds for our town library. I was able to take Councillors Hinson and Lewis with me and believe we put a good case to keep a Library in Amble but time will tell whether successfully or not.
If it is to close or be moved, I have asked the County Council to consider offering the building back to the Town Council rather than it be used for other purposes.

I attended the Amble Development Trust A. G. M. on 14th July- it was pleasing to see so many people there taking an interest in what happens in Amble. There has been a lot of good work done by them over the last sixteen years- long may it continue. There was also a great deal of discussion about the amount of litter in the town. The Council and I are aware it’s a big problem not just in Amble but everywhere you go- I wonder if the same people who drop their rubbish do it at home? Are they aware the ratepayers pay for cleaning it up?
I would also like to express my thanks to Audrey Jones, and all the people who helped, for their efforts in keeping the Little Shore free from litter- the last time was on the 17th July when Audrey raised money to hire a tractor to help out.

I attended Paul Allan’s Retirement party at the Sun hotel on the 19th – we all wish him well and a long, happy, retirement but with what he has planned I don’t see him having much rest!
Thanks to those who took the time to reply to the short questionnaire in the last Ambler- I look forward to reading your comments. It was very disappointing that less than 1% did respond, however I am sure more of you do have thoughts on the priorities for the future of our wonderful town- please talk to your Councillors who are always available to listen to your views or help with any town problems- their contact details are in the newsletter you all received in July.

Councillor Leslie Bilboe
Chairman, Amble Town Council

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