Reports from our County Councillors #141

Posted on 28th July 2023 | in Northumberland County Council

Councillor Terry Clark

I am pleased to report that I have funded the following, through my small schemes budget:
Northumberland Theatre Company: supplying theatre and cinema equipment comprising a mounting beam to fit a projector to the ceiling bringing the cinema experience back to Amble. Keep an eye out for films during the summer.
A new waste bin on Turner Street, next to the car park.
High Hauxley: contribution towards an interactive speed sign.
Horse warning signs at Togston bends. Riders do cross this section of road gaining access to the bridle way running to Warkworth. The signage makes drivers aware that they may come across horses and riders on this section of road at some point. Driving carefully, particularly around the bend, helps horses and riders by giving the driver time to react safely if a horse is spotted.

Speeding issues
The recklessness of speeding down residential areas means drivers are more likely to be involved in a crash. Some of the reasons for this are:
• speeding drivers are less likely to keep control of their vehicle.
• their vehicle requires a longer distance to stop.
• they are less likely to see someone in time to come to a stop safely.
• they are less likely to see something in the road.
Speeding through residential areas puts families at risk. Speed limits exist to try to keep everyone on the road safe, both pedestrians and drivers. Ensure you abide by speed limits.
Complaints continue to be received, with accidents happening along Percy Drive and Church Street lately.
Residents do request traffic calming measures within these and other areas. To introduce these schemes we have to go through the Local Transport Scheme. Concerns are constantly raised with me, regarding road improvement schemes, traffic safety issues, parking, calming measures, road markings, foot/cycling maintenance.
The public can assist by identifying priorities in any area. Send submissions to NCC Highways by email or letter, stating your requests to NCC HIGHWAYS, COUNTY HALL, MORPETH, NORTHUMBERLAND, NE61 2EF.
Percy Drive Zebra crossing road safety audit is being done in June, there may be some tweaks to make before construction begins.
ENJOY the summer, please stick to the speed limits and keep your community safe.

Cllr Terry Clark Amble, Hauxley and North Broomhill 07779 983768

Councillor Jeff Watson

Unfortunately, Cllr Jeff Watson was unable to send a report for this edition. 07802 385367

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