150th Warkworth Show
We are back! A tented show in the grounds of Warkworth Castle, Saturday 20 August 2022 Open to the Public 10 – 4.30
This year will be the 150th Warkworth Show, founded in 1859 and with some years off for the War, Foot and Mouth and latterly Covid. Many things have changed, not least the cost of putting on a Show, but this year we are keeping the price of the entry ticket as it was in 2019.
We have 300 competitive classes in Horticulture, Cookery and Preserves, Handicrafts, Art and Photography and Children’s classes.
Children’s entertainment, Climbing Wall, Circus Skills, Story Tent, Dog Show, Classic Cars, Crafters, Trade Stands and this year a food court.
Schedules are available now at N&F Young, Amble Pin Cushion, on Queen Street, Young’s Newsagents on Newburgh Street, the Allotment Hut, and Warkworth Post office.
Early Bird Tickets will be on sale in the Queen Street Shops and Warkworth Post Office from late July. Come along have a great day and support this community event