Tell the council what you want
Local residents are being invited to attend and join in discussions about current and future prospects for Northumberland and at the same time consider Northumberland County Council’s spending priorities.
Meetings will take place around the county next week at which the council’s leadership will give presentations outlining the background to the challenging financial position currently facing the local authority and the budget position for 2011/12 .
The council’s consultation officer will then present findings from a recent service priorities survey that was completed by residents across the county before the floor is opened up for public questions and debate.
The ensuing debate will focus on the prospects for the county against a background of the difficult financial situation facing the council. The views of the area committees will be reported to the county-wide debate which will take place after the council’s budget meeting on Wednesday February 23.
Councillor Jeff Reid, Leader of Northumberland County Council said: “ The council’s constitution requires that the council holds a state of the area debate on an annual basis. Holding meetings in different parts of the county before the main debate will give many of our residents and stakeholders the opportunity to participate.
“ Over the next four years, the county council will have to make £110m efficiency savings following on the back of £50m savings that have been made over the previous two years. These are undoubtedly very difficult financial times for Northumberland County Council.
“Councillors have some tough spending decisions ahead and are keen to understand residents’ views before making these decisions. The services provided by Northumberland County Council impact on every resident and every household in Northumberland. The discussion evening gives us the chance to explain the issues surrounding the council’s current financial position while providing local people with the opportunity to put forward their thoughts and views. We hope that the public will come along and join in the debate.”
The North Area debate will take place on Mon 17 Jan, 6pm in Alnwick Council Chamber
The West Area debate will take place on Tuesday 18 Jan, 6 pm at Hexham Mart
The South East Area debate will take place on Wednesday January 19 in Cramlington Learning Village.
The meetings are expected to last 1 ½ hours.
Missed the meetings, but what I would like to sees, are 30mpm signs from the Jet roundabout all the way to the Boys Club roundabout. People slow down to 30mph coming into Amble from the South. Get past the roundabout and onto Percy Drive and then exceed the speed limit. Am I missing something here or is the speed limit 30mph or less throughout Amble?