Hauxley Parish Council report: #124

Posted on 07th October 2020 | in Hauxley Parish Council

New Chairman
Cllr Rita Callender stepped down from being Chair of the Parish Council due to work and personal commitments although would remain as a member of the Parish Council. Rita has been Chairman for over 4 years and was thanked for all she has done for the community.

Cllr Dickon Howell was unanimously elected by those members present to take over as Chairman for the remainder of the municipal year.

Neighbourhood Planning – consultation
An engagement exercise has commenced on the draft vision, objectives, policy themes and community actions as part of the preparation of the Hauxley Neighbourhood Plan. The engagement document has been delivered to every door within the Hauxley parish and a link to the online survey made available on the parish council website https://northumberlandparishes.uk/hauxley
The consultation closes on 23rd October. We encourage every resident of the Hauxley parish to respond, your feedback is valuable in helping shape the future of Hauxley.

Local Transport Plan Priorities 2021/22
Every year the Parish Council is invited by Northumberland County Council to submit the three top highways and transport priorities to be considered at part of their Local Transport Plan.
Hauxley Parish Council agreed to request the as priorities:
• The introduction of a lower speed limit/traffic calming for the entire extent of Highway between High Hauxley and Low Hauxley,
• The introduction of a safe and formal pedestrian route between High Hauxley and Low Hauxely, and
• Improvements to access via the introduction of parking restrictions at Links Road, Low Hauxley.

Community Governance Review
The outcome of the Community Governance Review was noted with disappointment that the Hauxley parish boundary was agreed to be altered, it was believed that this would come into effect from May 2021.

The legality of this decision by the County Council was being queried with the County Legal Officer (a tied vote of 22 in favour, 22 against and 15 abstentions, in which the Chair of the meeting used his casting vote). It is believed that the County Councillor who also sits as a member on Amble Town Council should have withdrawn from voting due to his registered and potentially prejudicial interest in which a body he represents seeks to financially gain from the altering of the parish boundary; which would be the case when Amble Town Council are in receipt of the precept for the properties to be built and occupied on the permitted Hauxley Grange development site. Had the County Councillor withdrawn from voting the outcome of the Community Governance Review would be quite different. A response was still awaited at the time of the Parish Council meeting.

It was noted that there is no route of appeal to the outcome of the Community Governance Review and the only way to look to overturn the decision would be via a judicial review which is unaffordable.

As boundary alteration would affect the designated neighbourhood area for the purposes of the Hauxley Neighbourhood Plan; which currently mirrored the parish boundary, the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group would work with the Planning Consultant and County Council Planning Officer in the future to look at altering the designated neighbourhood area to reflect the altered civil parish boundary.

Future meetings
An Ordinary meeting of the Parish would be held at 6.30pm on Monday 9th November 2020 via Zoom.

Email: hauxleypc@gmail.co.uk Website: https:// northumberlandparishes.uk/hauxley

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