Invitation to join in the fun: Puffin Festival
Once again plans are in progress for Amble Puffin Festival, which this year includes a craft fair and a food festival. And organisers are inviting everyone to get involved.
The event runs from 28 May to 4 June 2016.
As usual, the week-long quirky festival celebrates all things puffin and will include guided nature walks, bird watching, local history/nature talks, exhibitions, arts and crafts, watersports and live music. There will be events to interest all age groups.
Of course to see the colony of over 20,000 Puffins, you need to take a Puffin Cruise. These family-run boat trips take visitors around historic Coquet Island. Weather permitting you will be able to see the Puffins and all the other wildlife who make this RSPB managed nature reserve their home. Please book well ahead as these trips fill up fast. (01665 711975)
Events run throughout the week, and are held in various locations in Amble. New for 2016; a four day craft fair, Sat 28 – Tues 31 May, and a Food Festival on Sat 4 June, which will be held in the Town Square. The Colony music festival will also take place on Saturday 4 June, at the Little Shore.
Organisers are keen to encourage businesses, organisations and community groups to get involved in any possible way.