Hauxley Parish Councillors
To be eligible to be a parish councillor you must be at least 18 years old and either: be on the electoral register for the parish; or live within 3 miles of the parish boundary; or have your principle place of work within the parish; or occupy property or land within the parish. Parish Councillors do not have to be a member of a political party, and most Parish Councils are non-political bodies. Parish Councillors must act within the law and must sign a declaration to the effect that they agree to abide by a code of conduct.
There are six seats on the Council and the present councillors are as follows:
Rita Callender (Chair)
Ken Graham (Vice Chair)
Iwan Thomas
Wendy Appleby
John Lightfoot
Contact details can be found via the Hauxley PC; Contact details page.
To view Members Declarations of Interest visit: http://www.northumberland.gov.uk/Councillors/Parish-Town/Town-Parish-Declarations-of-Interest.aspx