Why Jamie-lee is a friend to feral cats in need

Posted on 27th March 2025 | in Community

A kind hearted Amble woman has opened her home to help rescue and care for feral cats and kittens in the area.

Jamie-lee Montgomery has helped over 20 cats and kittens in desperate need over the last year, using all her savings to fund vet’s fees and buy food for the animals.
She told The Ambler how the project began, “Last year I came across a very poorly feral kitten on a caravan park where I work. I rang around for help, but nobody would help him, so I trapped him and rushed him to a vet. They basically told me not to keep my hopes up and hand him over, but I refused and took him home. I gave him round the clock care, bottle fed him every two hours and now he’s thriving.”

She named the cat Toby. His transformation is remarkable. He went from being starved, covered in wounds and scratches and riddled with fleas and ticks, to a happy, healthy and much-loved member of the family.

But Jamie-lee did not stop there. “There were feral cats and kittens appearing all over

Jamie-lee with Toby (black and white)and two of her other rescues

the park, winter was coming and there was no way I was leaving them. I did everything I could to trap and rescue as many as I could and then I took them to the vet.

“Sadly, I lost two, as they were really poorly but the rest are now happy and healthy in loving homes.”

Jamie-lee makes sure the cats are given any medical treatment they need, including having them vaccinated, chipped and neutered. She has a Go Fund Me page and an Amazon wish list.

To find out more, join her Facebook group: Feral Friends Rescue and Care: www.facebook.com/groups/1751598572089021
With help from her family, Jamie-lee vows to continue to help the cats, “I won’t give up on them, I do everything I can to give them a chance in life.”

Anna Williams

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