Meet and question Amble’s candidates ahead of County Council elections
An election hustings event is being held on Tuesday 8 April, from 6pm-7:30pm, at James Calvert Spence College.

The hustings event where you can see the candidates is on 8 April, ahead of the local election on 1 May. Image: Pixabay
James Andriot, headteacher said, “JCSC is proud to be hosting these hustings as we want to engage young people in the democratic process and support the community with important decisions.
“We want to welcome the community into our school to show how best to ask and answer questions that hold elected representatives or candidates to account.”
The event, held in their Main Hall, will see all candidates standing in both Amble Ward and Amble West with Warkworth Ward invited to answer questions submitted by members of the public via The Ambler.
This is a chance for you, the community, to put forward your concerns, views and vision ahead of the County Council elections taking place on Thursday 1 May.
Local elections will determine the 69 local representatives sent by towns, villages and parishes across Northumberland to County Hall in Morpeth. The largest group on the County Council typically makes up the administration, making important decisions on local services and spending.

A full list of candidates for the Amble wards will be posted on our website in early April
Since the last county council elections in May 2021 Northumberland County Council has been held by the Conservatives with a single-seat majority, led by Council Leader Glen Sanderson. Councillors go to County Hall to represent the residents of their wards. They also work closely with Town and Parish councils in order to lobby for better outcomes for communities.
The Ambler is pleased to be supporting this event alongside JCSC which we hope will engage the local community in conversation and debate around the future of our area.
If you have a question you would like to be put to candidates please submit it with subject line ‘Hustings Question’ to:
This event is being organised in the spirit of public debate and civic participation. Questions of an abusive, discriminatory or libelous nature will not be accepted. Not all questions will be able to be put to candidates due to time constraints.