Five months later, hot dinners finally available for Amble pupils
Two new Amble schools which only opened last October, could not provide hot school dinners in their kitchens for five months, with electrical issues being blamed for the delay.

King Edwin Primary opened in October 2024. Five months later, hot dinners are finally on the menu
Despite a multi million pound refurbishment of the old Middle School building, neither King Edwin Primary nor Barndale-by-the-Sea had a functioning kitchen to provide hot school dinners, until questions from The Ambler appeared to result in action being taken.
The kitchens were unusable because electrical work had not been officially signed off. Instead, children were offered sandwiches or pizza heated up in Barndale’s Home Economics classroom.
On 12 March, Northumberland County Council were finally able to give good news. A spokesperson said: “We can confirm that the kitchen will be operational again this week.
“Due to unforeseen issues, a number of which were outside our control, with the existing electrical meter to the kitchen block and challenges with the previous energy supplier, there were delays getting power to the block.
“However, all issues are now resolved. Hot meals are now being cooked for King Edwin Primary. The kitchen will start to serve hot meals for Barndale-by-the-Sea pupils from Monday 17 March 2025.”
King Edwin Primary School is the new name for Amble First School, after the local education system changed to two-tier.
The refurbished Middle School building on South Avenue now houses pupils from Amble First School, and a nursery.
The building is also home to Barndale-by-the-Sea, a new 50 place satellite site for pupils with special educational needs and moderate learning difficulties.
Anna Williams