Amble Veterans receive nuclear test medal

Posted on 30th January 2025 | in Community

Christmas Island medals have been awarded to two local veterans by the Lord Lieutenant of Northumberland.

Bill Cassidy and the late George Robson were recognised for their service.

The Lord Lieutenant of Northumberland presenting the medal to Bill Cassidy. Photo by Katrina Cassidy.

Caroline Pryer the Lord Lieutenant of Northumberland presented two Christmas Island medals to Bill Cassidy (RAF retired) and to the family of George Albert Robson who sadly passed away in 2023.

The Nuclear Test Medal was launched by the government in 2023 after a sustained campaign to have UK personnel recognised for their participation in the tests, known as Operation Grapple. It is awarded to UK Service and civilian personnel, and individuals from other nations, who served at the locations where the UK atmospheric nuclear tests were conducted at Christmas Island during 1957 and 1958.

Thousands of British Service personnel were posted to the island at that time, to take part in the programme. Many were given no radiation protection.

The presentation was held in front of over 50 veterans and families, at the Amble Inn on Saturday 18 January during the Amble Veterans Breakfast Club monthly get together.

Bill Cassidy
Bill joined the Royal Air Force in 1954 completing his service in 1977. He was posted to Christmas Island in 1957, where he witnessed two H bomb explosions from only 20 miles away.

He then witnessed the A bomb from three miles away. The H bomb was several times larger than the bomb used on Hiroshima. He was given no radiation protection.

George Albert Robson
George was called up on National Service, and became a Corporal in the Royal Engineers, 38 Corps. He was part of Op Grapple, on Christmas Island between 1957 and 1958.

George always shared fond memories and many stories of his time in the Armed Forces. Sadly he passed away on 13 May 2023 aged 85. George was aware he would receive the medal and was honoured to be recognised along with his comrades for their contributions.

His widow Sylvia and others in George’s family received the award on his behalf.

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One thought on "Amble Veterans receive nuclear test medal"

  1. Muriel Carter says:

    I was quite interested to read about these 2 chaps.As here in Australia during the mid 1950’s not 800 kilometres from the city of Adelaide South Australia they detonated nuclear bombs at Maralinga.
    What made the British think it was okay to detonate those bombs.The medal is called The Nuclear test medal;Iam amazed that there are chaps stll alive ;numerous people died with various cancers.Compensation thats what people need not medals

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