December update from Amble Food Bank
Merry Christmas from all at Amble Food Bank!
We are so fortunate in Amble and the surrounding areas to have such a generous and giving community. We cannot emphasise enough how EVERY single ITEM and PENNY donated makes a difference! Despite your generosity we are still spending over £2000 pounds per month on extra essential food items we need.
Sadly, demand for our services continues to rise and recently we have noticed the scale of food and related poverties in our client group has increased putting more pressure on our food and volunteer resources. In view of this we are very grateful to new volunteers who have joined the Food Bank Team!
We cannot thank everyone, but recently we have received generous donations from Alexa’s Canine Trust, Amble and Warkworth Women’s Institutes, Heatherdale Care Home, Pacifica, Queen Street Convenience Store, Warkworth British Food Fortnight and the ‘Mad Jam’ Woman.
So many local organisations make extra donations to us from their Harvest Festival Collections. These cash and food donations are particularly appreciated as we try to collect extra Christmas staples and treats to put into our clients Christmas deliveries.
Thank you to Trinity Methodist Church, Hauxley Church, St Mark’s URC and also Amble Links, Broomhill, King Edwin and Warkworth Primary Schools for your Harvest Festival donations.
Thank you to Morrison’s for organising the pick-up bags, Tesco Express for managing the food bin and to the Hadston and Amble Co-ops for managing their food bin and to the latter for the Sunday Food Share items (clients benefit from food that would otherwise go to waste). Finally to the Farm Shop at HMP Northumberland run by the Oswin Project Charity for their weekly donations of baked goods, fruit and vegetables.
The average price of a Morrison’s pickup bag has risen recently. If you would prefer to buy your own items, then you can do so and leave them loose in our cage by the tills. Alternatively, there are food donation bins near the front doors at the Amble and Hadston Co-ops and Tesco Express in Amble. Please note we are unable to accept fresh food or food/drink items containing ALCOHOL.
Wishing all of our clients and supporters a happy festive time and a peaceful, healthy and Happy New Year.
How to Donate to Us
To donate: cash and cheques can be addressed to us and posted through the letterbox at Trinity Methodist Church. Bank transfers can be made to Amble Food Bank, sort code 77-20-04, account number 17925260. We have registered with HMRC so, if eligible, you can Gift Aid any donations (e-mail us for a form).
How to Contact Us
If you are in need, you can get a referral through the CAB or contact Northumberland communities together on 01670 620015, 9-5pm. E-mail:
Amble Food Bank