Amble Town Council Report #149
Meetings – Town: 12 December, 9 January at 6pm. Council Office
Amenities: 30 January at 6pm. Council Office
Council is delighted to say that members agreed to donating £1,000 to each of the new schools in Amble. Amble Links Primary School, King Edwin Primary School, Barndale by the Sea School and once built, the new JCSC site will each receive this gift.
Schools will be free to purchase whatever they need but Council have asked that some of the funds are spent on a lasting memento to celebrate the creation of each new school.
Council is working hard to investigate options for a possible Community Hub in Amble. Two drop-in sessions for the public have taken place already. We still need to hear from as many of you as possible. What are your views on this? Does Amble need a community building? Are the locations we have now enough for all the activities people want? Without acknowledged community support this will not happen. What could it be used for? What activities/groups would you like to see take place which are not here already? Let us have your views as soon as possible.
This is the time of year to reflect back on our achievements, and what a year it has been.
I, however, prefer to look ahead to our future.
The Neighbourhood Plan is taking shape, we hope for progress with a Community Hub and the schools are being refurbished.
Amble Town Council are working closely with the Emergency Services to try and fit in with our changing Community and we are pushing for more information and action for our retail park.
A prestigious event is taking place on the 10 May 2025 which celebrates the 100 years Anniversary of the Amble War Memorial Clock Tower.
My apologies if I have missed anyone out – there are many people working behind the scenes to achieve a bright future for Amble.
I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Craig Weir