New gates for theatre company
New gates have been fitted to the car park at Northumberland Touring Theatre Company (NTC), thanks to a generous donation from Northumberland County Councillor Jeff Watson.

l- r: Jim Donnelly, chair NTC; Cllr Jeff Watson; Kate Morrison, NTC trustee
The gates were fitted to make the building more secure and to control parking, which the theatre company has had to implement, after a number of recent instances when they have been unable to park their own vehicles.
Chair of NTC Jim Donnelly said “I’d like to thank Jeff Watson for his kind donation towards our gates. We had gates until just before Covid, but they had to be removed for safety reasons, and it’s taken us five years to find the funding to replace them.”
The gates cost £5,000 and funding came from Councillor Watson’s small schemes fund. They were made by Amble based metal fabricator BenWell.
Community groups and members of the public are still welcome to use the car park, but NTC ask they let the theatre company know ahead of time, and provide a small donation. If you are interested, please contact the office during working hours on 01665 713655, or email

NTC’s next performance at the Dovecote Centre in Amble is Grimm Tales on 22 December. This Christmas show is aimed at children aged five and above. More details on their website: