Anger over vandalism at much loved park

Posted on 03rd October 2024 | in Amble Town Council , Community

The Ambler was contacted by a young man who was upset that there has been more vandalism at the Paddlers Park. We asked him to write a piece for us on what has happened and why the park means so much to him.

Vandalism to the play surface at Paddlers Park

I really enjoy spending time at the Paddlers Park. It is my favourite place. My friends and I like to go there and we were very angry and sad when we saw that the play surface has been vandalised.

The water works were already vandalised but now some people have scraped the park floor up. This has happened very recently. We can see that holidaymakers are also not happy with this. We don’t know why anyone would do this.

I asked some kids who were there and they said it was because they were bored. It makes me so angry to see the park like this.
And nothing is getting done. We want our park to be a safe and happy place.

We asked Amble Town Council for a comment. They agreed that the vandalism is unacceptable. They said “Our community deserves to have all its facilities treated with respect and not vandalised by those destroying things for no valid reason. The type of damage here is intentional and not just youngsters ‘larking about.’ Since Paddlers Park Water Feature was installed, after vandalism, Council have spent almost £3,800 on repairs and modifications to the pumping mechanism- the latest damage will add another almost £1000.

“The graphics damage starts with a very small area but then this increases as individuals prise more off. With these prone to this type of destruction, we are looking into alternatives. We urge reporting of anyone seen damaging this and other areas in the town. Is it too much to ask to have a safe, welcoming environment for all our community to enjoy?”

I have been going to this park all my life. I go on all the exercise equipment. My favourite is the bike. I’m worried that someone’s going to break it. I wish this vandalism will stop. I just want something done about it.

Name supplied

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