‘Outstanding GCSE results’ for JCSC students

Posted on 22nd August 2024 | in Community , Education

James Calvert Spence College (JCSC) celebrated outstanding results in a wide range of courses today; Chemistry, Biology, Photography and French were amongst the top performing subjects with pass rates of over 80%.

l-r: Ethan Sales, Jake Todd, Zac Stott, Tyler Griffiths, Oliver Bremner, Ayton Baxter


Executive Headteacher, Mr Rodgers said: “GCSE results day is easily the best day to work in a secondary school; when the results of many years of hard work and dedication from staff and students come to fruition. And this year is no exception.”

The students together with their families and staff, celebrated some outstanding individual performances including top grade 9s being award across many areas of the curriculum.

Thea Davis was one such student who achieved an incredible three 9s in Biology, Chemistry and Physics; and four 8s in Maths, History, Geography and French. Thea goes on to study A Levels in Chemistry, Maths and Physics at JCSC Sixth Form.

Alex Beal was another top achiever who achieved two 9s in French and Chemistry; and 8s in Maths, Biology, Physics, Sociology and English. Alex will continue his studies at JCSC with A Levels in Chemistry, Biology and Physics.

Lana Ferguson-Wood said, “I’m so so happy” when she opened her results which included: two 9s in Chemistry and Physics and take her on to study A Levels in these subjects together with Maths.

William Gregor who excelled in Sciences and Maths achieved a 9 in Physics and 8’s in Biology, Chemistry, and Maths said: “I’m very pleased with my results and look forward to beginning my A-levels in History, Maths and Physics.”

Grace Holland also found success in STEM with 9s in Chemistry and Physics, and 8s in Maths and Biology and will study Chemistry, Maths and Physics at Sixth Form.

Mr Rodgers continued: “The most rewarding part of today is knowing that our young people all have a pathway to the next stage of their lives, with many of them choosing to follow one of the many diverse courses on offer in JCSC’s sixth form. As one of the few local providers of T-levels, in addition to our A-level and vocational offer, we have developed our curriculum to provide courses to suit a broad range of learners.”

Mr Gaines, Head of Vocational at JCSC explains further: “We are one of the only schools in the North Northumberland area who are offering a T Level in Education course and a T Level in Digital course. These courses each equate to 3 x A Levels and prove an excellent opportunity for students to work alongside their study, with relevant work placements offered as part of the qualification.”

Ethan Sales is off to college to study Manufacturing Engineering.

Jake Todd will soon begin an apprenticeship in Plastering.

Zac Stott will stay on at JCSC for Sixth Form to study Sport, IT and Applied Science.

Tyler Griffiths will soon begin an apprenticeship in brick laying.

Oliver Bremner will study A Levels in Applied Science, Maths and Sport.

Ayton Baxter will stay on to sixth form to study Psychology and Maths.

Thea Davis achieved an incredible three 9s in Biology, Chemistry and Physics

William Gregor excelled in Sciences and Maths

Alex Beal achieved two 9s and will study all three Sciences at A Level

Paige Baker will be studying a T-Level Qualification at JCSC in Education and Childcare.

Emily Baker-Reed’s results included a 9 in Sociology.

Lana Ferguson-Wood achieved two 9s.

Mollie Burge will begin a T-Level Transition Course in Childcare and Development at JCSC

Lillie Bryson will begin an apprenticeship at Amble Links First School within their nursery provision.

For those interested in learning more about the post-16 courses available at JCSC visit the website: www.jcsc.co.uk or to book a visit contact the school on: enquiries@jcsc.co.uk.

James Calvert Spence College




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