Update on Amble’s Neighbourhood Plan

Posted on 25th July 2024 | in Amble Town Council , Community , News

Earlier in the year, Amble Town Council set up a Steering Group to work on a Neighbourhood Plan for Amble.

Neighbourhood planning is a new way for communities to have a say in the future of the places where they live and work. It gives you the power to produce a plan with real legal weight that directs development in your local area. All people who live in the parish will have the opportunity to participate in shaping their surroundings and feel proud of where they live.

In order to understand what the plan can do for Amble and what you can do to help with the plan, we would like to invite you to public meetings on Thurs 10 Oct 4-7pm and Sat 12 Oct 10am-1pm at Fourways 2, 6 Dilston Terrace, Amble NE65 0DT in the Conference Room. More details will follow nearer the time. Please check out our website: www.ambleplan.org

Matthew Connolly, Amble Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

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