Trust Life #147

Posted on 25th July 2024 | in Amble Development Trust

Hello everyone, welcome to summer. Over the coming weeks we will be compiling a showcase of Amble regeneration over the last 30 years – yes it’s the Trust’s 30th birthday this year.

Matthew Connolly and Jim Donnelly have been trawling through the archives and memorabilia we have saved and will be putting up a display, initially for our AGM in July, but we will keep it open for a couple of weeks for anyone who would like to come and have a look.

As you know we have spent quite a lot of time trying to get the contract for the Playzone started. I doubt you will be surprised to hear that at the present time we are no further forward with a start date. Quotes, supplied elements and funding seem to change weekly! And that’s just ours, so I feel for the NCC officer who is trying to coordinate all 12 projects involved. Repairs to the play area rubber crumb have been carried out, however it was worse than originally thought so more material is required and will be fully completed asap.

The incident at the Welfare in December is now complete as far as Northumbria Police are concerned. I have received a letter which outlines the action taken, which basically is a rap on the knuckles as long as they don’t get caught again. We have sent a letter to the new PCC asking that where possible there should be some form of financial contribution to fund any remedial work that needs to be done. In this instance, given the culprit was in a BMW car, it could be assumed that they could afford to repay the football team for having to pay for another venue for the young teams to practice on!

On Neighbourhood Planning work has begun by a group of willing volunteers. If you are interested in any updates, there will be a website up and running soon and posts on social media.

Some of you may remember Darin our friendly Neighbourhood PCSO instigated the Good Young Citizen Award many years ago, but due to Covid it had to be shelved. This year we have decided to reinstate the award. Along with Amble Town and Warkworth Parish Councils we will be hosting the ceremony in July. Nominations have been received from both Amble and Warkworth First Schools and Amble Youth Project. A panel of judges have reviewed and chosen a winner, which was not an easy task. All will be revealed on The Ambler’s website, along with our thanks to everyone who contributes to the event.

Our job search facilities are now open from 9am – 5pm each week day. If you would like to contact the Ambler or require a CV, you can do so by ringing: 01665 712929 or emailing or

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