Lily Tibbits’ Student Life #147
As all good Amble residents do, I went to the Puffin Festival this year. I was in Newcastle on Saturday and had to be back on Monday, so the whole trip was a complicated web of buses and driving and lifts with people back and forth to make sure I got to the Festival on the Sunday and then back to work the next day.

At some point during this convoluted process, I did wonder if maybe it wasn’t worth creating an entire written plan just so I could come back home for a single day. I’ve been to the Puffin Festival before. Maybe I didn’t need to see it again if it was going to be such a hassle.
But I’m nothing if not dedicated to the most important event in the Amble calendar, so I made the trek. It didn’t take long for me to remember that the Puffin Festival is more than just the events or the bands or the funfair or the market (though I definitely went to all these things), it’s about bumping into friends that you haven’t seen in ages and chatting to people who you recognise from this place or that. It’s about the Amble community.
Getting to run up to my friends and give them a hug in the middle of the Town Square will always make the trip worth it. It doesn’t matter if I’ve been to the Puffin Festival before – there’s no limit to the joy I can get every time I get to be a part of this community.