Amble Town Council Report #147

Posted on 25th July 2024 | in Amble Town Council

Meetings – Town: 8th Aug, 12th Sept at 6pm. Council Office
26th Sept at 6pm. Council Office

Those attending the tour of WWII memorials in the West Cemetery found it very informative and were surprised at how many are there- not just the Commonwealth plots but family plots where the memorials record their loved ones lost and left in other countries. The event in the Town Square was well attended. Those who lost their lives were reverently remembered in prayers and with wreaths laid including one by a WWII veteran, Mr. Bill Wake. Those who returned safely were recalled and all those who helped in many and varied capacities were thanked for their efforts. The ‘entertainment’ which followed was enthusiastically welcomed by all those present with lots of boisterous singing along. Our thanks to all those who came along, took part or helped in the background to make this a worthy tribute.

It has been disheartening to recently receive so many complaints from our community and visitors to the town about its appearance. Increasing amounts of dog faeces on the streets and along the pier; litter- large and small- dropped and left to blow in the wind; cans thrown any and everywhere- none of which we want to see! The great majority of people are conscientious and would never drop any form of litter nor would most dog owners not pick up after their pet. Why can’t that minority have more respect for the town, whether they live here or are visiting? April to September sees increased litter bin emptying to cope with more people being out and about in- hopefully- lovely weather so there really is no excuse for not using the bins provided. There can’t be many places the size of Amble that have over 70 bins for public use! NCC Enforcement Officers have been urged to visit regularly and to fine these exhibiting this unsociable behaviour which may encourage them to change.

As mentioned in the last news page, due to Health and Safety guidelines, unstable memorials can only be ‘staked’ for a short period of time to give owners the opportunity to rectify the problem. Some owners have not responded to previous requests and therefore a programme of laying down of these memorials has begun. Whilst this is not ideal, the safety of all those entering the cemetery must take priority. Whilst memorials are regularly looked over, the next whole cemetery inspection audit will take place around Summer 2025. If you have a memorial please make sure your contact details are up to date so you can be informed if it needs any work carried out. Those erecting memorials in the future will be reminded again about taking out insurance for them as for a relatively small sum it can give you reassurance for a number of things.

The above rarely used procedures, were introduced many many years ago to widen the ways of interment available. However over time, health and safety guidelines and environmental regulations have changed and therefore it is no longer possible to offer these methods. Scattering of Ashes in a prepaid plot will still be allowed but must be arranged through a Funeral Director.

The complaints we have received about the weed killing here are justified. We too were astonished to see what had happened. It had been agreed to allow this to be applied to a narrow area around memorials to minimise any risk of damage by strimming, but the width and the application along whole rows was never discussed. We have had meetings with our contractor to express our utter dissatisfaction of this and we hope that over time the situation can be rectified so that once again in the newer areas we have a lovely lawn cemetery.

Following the statement from NCC regarding the above, it is hoped by now that we will have seen some work take place and that this popular walk will be open again. If not, or if there is no obvious move to make this happen, we will continue, as we have done since it was closed, to lobby for action.

For a number of years, Council has donated to the town Christmas Lights each year to help with the wonderful display put on for us all to enjoy. [They would love some more volunteers to come forward as with an average age of over 70, they may not always be able to carry out the work] Recently it has been agreed to help The Events Committee to put on the two main town events of the Puffin Festival and the Lights Parade by funding the programmes for the former and road closures for the latter. These are popular well- loved events in our town calendar. Wherever possible and whilst funds allow, Council does also give grants to support local groups who apply for help. These are often small, but important, groups run mainly by volunteers, who may need for example some equipment to help them run better or to offer greater opportunities to the community. Unfortunately it is not always possible to help everyone but if you think you might be eligible, please contact the Clerk for advice. The monthly ‘Round Up’ on the Council sites do report who has received grants.

{Views expressed are those of the individual and not necessarily those of the council}
Has Amble become too big for the infrastructure of the town? Whilst we wait for money from approved plans, I have to agree with this statement. The local Doctor’s surgery seems to be swamped with residents attempting to get appointments, however not always in the timescale they hoped for. We desperately need leisure facilities for all to use young and older !! I feel the town is the poor relative of towns like Alnwick and Morpeth when these funds are allocated. The town urgently needs additional resources to deal with the increasing amount of houses built and those in the process of being built.
I would personally like to meet with the Doctors and Dentists to try and get an understanding on the issues/problems that the surgeries face on a daily basis and the reasons why and hopefully feed these back to residents to help with peoples’ perceptions. This can only improve communications and understanding throughout the town. Cllr. David Bewley


Email: Twitter: @AmbleTC Facebook:

Office hours: 10.30am-12noon & 1.30-3p.m. Monday to Friday Vicki Smith, Town Clerk

This page is written and paid for by Amble Town Council

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