Four new bird species seen on Coquet Island
It’s been a bumper year so far for bird spotters, with four new species seen by wardens on Coquet Island.
The rarest bird seen on the island this year was a Bridled Tern, a previous one was seen here over 30 years ago.

Spoonbill seen over Coquet Island. Image Stephen Westerberg/RSPB
RSPB Warden Stephen Westerberg told The Ambler that a White-billed Diver recently flew past the island, they had also seen an Egyptian Goose (this bred on the Coquet estuary this year and the pair make regular visits to the island), a Spoonbill which landed on the rocks, and a Hobby which he says flew over and caught and ate an insect over the island.
The number of species seen on the island this year is now estimated to be 216.

Coquet Island is an RSPB managed wildlife reserve.