Lily Tibbitts’ Student Life

Posted on 23rd May 2024 | in Blogs , Opinion

This July, it will be ten years since I started writing for the Ambler (apologies to everyone who’s had to read my articles for that long). I joined Artograffi at age 10, keen to do some writing, something I’ve always loved, and instead started my first session by taking part in a video, about how to be awesome, that is still up on YouTube to this day. There’s been plenty of writing since – a piece in every edition of the Ambler since mid-2014 – but there’s also been so much more.

I’ve written articles that range from interviews with JCSC’s headteacher about the school’s new build to a series of stories about Binky the panda. I’ve learned how to animate, taste tested sweets, gone out to meet members of the community, and eventually started writing for the ‘adults’ section of the Ambler. Even when I moved away for university, I clearly couldn’t leave it behind!
In a few months’ time I will have spent more of my life doing pieces for the Ambler than not, and it’s thanks to it that I am where I am now. Without the wonderful Anna to encourage us at Artograffi to think critically about the news, write about the things we’re passionate about and develop our journalism skills, I likely wouldn’t be on the literature course I’m on today, or have the blogging job with the university that I do. Plus, my Monday evenings would’ve been a lot less fun.
The Ambler is so important. Getting a free newspaper all about Amble always fills me with joy to live here, and getting the added pride of seeing my work published there has made me smile with every issue for ten years now. I hope we always have the Ambler, and I hope everyone gets the opportunity to see their words in its pages.

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