What you say… #143
Trees at the A1068 roundabout
I really do hope that Persimmons will follow Tom Lloyd’s advice (Letters p8 #142) and allow the woodland to stay as it is.
The trees were very densely planted and consequently have grown tall and spindly but like any other patch of vegetation such as the shrubs recently removed from Ivy Street or this small area of woodland, these places develop their own eco-systems and over time become home to a variety of wildlife.
Although the A1068 wood has very little commercial value the predominant Scots pine and the few broad-leafed species are very valuable to several species of birds.
The song thrush is now much less common in Amble, but come early February this is one of the few places left where you can still hear its strident song.
A month later in March and the calls of the chiffchaff can also be heard above the traffic noise. This is usually the first of several migrant warblers which come to the area to nest and rear their young.
In late April the delicate cascading song of the willow warbler competes with other species from the woodland’s edge. There are many other resident birds which are to be found here over the course of the year. Migrant thrushes arriving in autumn such as fieldfare, redwing and blackbird sometimes pause here after crossing the North Sea to rest and to feed on the haw berries on nearby thorn bushes.
This is definitely a place worth saving given how few trees there are around Amble and the amount of wildlife that can be found here. I do hope that Persimmons can be persuaded by Tom Lloyd to reconsider their plans and leave the wood alone.
Hugh Tindall
via email
Amble Sea Monster

Force of Nature by Bernadette Redpath
Curiosity thanks
Thank you to everyone who supported our fundraising day for Amble Lifeboat on 4 November. We had a blast! We are waiting for the final count from Lifeboats but we raised £162.50!
Special thanks to Marie, Cat, Sandra and Steve for gifting their time on the day.
A big thank you also to Louise, Laura from Glamble, Julie from juliemosaics, Shaun from Tulip Design, Judith, Tony, Liz, Cat and Marie who all donated items for the tombola.
We couldn’t have done it without you.
Pennie and Linda
Curiosity Corner
Miners tokens and badges wanted
I am a retired miner, I worked down Parkside Colliery, Merseyside for 21 years and my hobby is collecting colliery tokens sometimes called checks or tallies.
These are brass, sometimes alloy and were used as a safety/deployment check at the pit. The name of the colliery would be embossed on these items. I also collect mining badges and wondered if any of your readers could help me obtain any tokens or badges from the once prolific mining industry of Northumberland. I would also like to hear from anyone who worked or had connection with this industry. Any help would be much appreciated.
Terry Houghton
Speed limit is too fast
The speed limit along Acklington Rd and in front of the schools in this area is too fast. I see cars regularly racing into Amble along this road when I am out walking my dog .
My concerns are for the children when coming and leaving school. I see that they have a lollipop lady in this area but the cars and lorries are still approaching too fast.
Would it not be possible for the Council to install such measures as they have done along the Links Rd to slow up the traffic flow?
D Wade
via email
Meta 4 dance need board members
We are seeking new members to join our board of directors.
We at Meta4 Dance are a Northumberland-based dance company (near Alnwick). We provide community classes and school workshops designed to combat rural isolation and support individuals with special educational needs.
We also craft captivating professional performances across the region.
We are looking to fill the roles of chairperson, secretary and treasurer.
If you have the experience needed to strengthen our board of directors and would like to help play a part in making dance accessible for all, then please get in touch.
Email: hello@meta4dance.com or call Lily Horgan on 07936937986
Disappointed with Harbour Commissioners
It is very disappointing to see that Warkworth Harbour Commission (WHC) still continues to neglect the land at the back of Broomhill Street and indeed actively work against its colonisation by nature.

Broomhill St, Back Lane in Summer
Anyone walking this way earlier in the year will have seen it alive with native flowers, insects, butterflies and birds (see photo above). In September WHC chose to cut down the plants and spray weedkiller. They left all the rubbish and debris and put up ugly “No Dogs” signs giving the area the appearance of a scrap yard.

Broomhill St, Back Lane in September
Despite their supposed “eco-friendly offices” WHC continue to give the impression of not caring at all about climate change or being part of the community. They have ignored several letters and emails on this subject over the last few years. It is bad business and bad manners not to acknowledge correspondence particularly when it comes from local residents. As a community we all need to make a contribution to preserving and protecting our environment for the future.
Broomhill Street resident
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