Meet Paul the Warrior Walker
Coastal walkers, keep a look out for Paul Harris, aka the Warrior Walker. He’s already walked around the UK’s coastline once; now he’s repeating the journey in the other direction.

The ex Royal Marine told The Ambler “It was 2020 and I had been in a very low place for ten months, my friend said ‘Bro, you’ve got to walk around the UK and write a book about it.’ So three weeks later I quit my life, basically – I only had about £300 in the bank and I thought I’d probably only make it about five or six days down the line, but I did it, I finished on April 23 this year.”
The original 6000 mile journey took Paul 19 months to complete. He slept outside for three weeks, but he was so taken with the amount of kindness he met, he decided to redo the journey – he’s calling it his victory lap. His first journey was in aid of mental health awareness. This time he wants to thank his supporters and is raising money for 12 charities, a different one each month.
“People are great. I have been touched by so much kindness, whether it’s a coffee, a hug, a bed for the night. Six weeks after I finished, I left London again, now I’m going around the other way. I should be in Scotland by the weekend. I’ve already raised £3,000 for charity. Last month it was for Mind, this month it’s the Samaritans, next month it’s the RNLI.”
Paul should be arriving in Amble on Tuesday 25 and leaving on Wednesday 26 July. Join Paul on his journey via Instagram @thewarriorwalker
If you would like to support Paul with his day to day costs or contribute to the charities, visit his website:
The thing is though that it isn’t a Coastal walk, he had cut massive corners and his mileage claims are bogus. You only have to look at his own tracker to see things don’t add up.
You also might want to ask the Warrior Walker what 12 charities he raised money for? We can only find MIND, MSF and Samaritans, and he raised about £4,500. In the meantine through Buy Me a Coffee, Go Fund Me and Stripe he has raised in excess of £20,000 for his own funds, in addition to all of the free accommodation and food he has received. It is rather unscrupulous.