Update from Coquet Medical Centre
Doctor and nursing staff levels at the practice are now up to strength which means that appointments are a little easier to arrange.
There are now some days when there are available appointments after the 08.00 early morning rush so it is worth phoning a little later in the morning as same-day appointments may still be available.

Amble Health Centre
There is an out of hours appointment facility available on a Tuesday evening between 18.00 and 20.00.
A patient survey has recently been completed. Securing an appointment came up as the most pressing issue. Overall levels of satisfaction with treatment received was high. Staff at the practice are going through the responses and are committed to continual improvement of patient services.
NHS Health Checks for the 40 to 74 age group started this June. This is aimed at those who don’t attend an annual medication review. This is a major undertaking involving a significant number of patients. Patients will be informed directly regarding an appointment over the coming months.
A COVID vaccination booster programme for those over 75 years old was undertaken this Spring. This has now been completed.
Those wishing to play a part in helping the Practice improve the patient experience of health services might consider joining the Patient Participation Group (PPG). This is held every three months. Parents and younger people are under-represented and would be particularly welcome.
Details including minutes of previous meetings are on the Coquet Medical Group website: wellupnorth.co.uk/coquet-medical-group
Coquet Medical Group
Not entirely sure what Well Up North or PCN is all about, with its management jargon. Do I go to them to find out if there is a better medicine than the one the GP prescribed?
I am still waiting for Amble Surgery to publish on its website annual accounts and also the name of their Accountant. This should be published voluntarily for everyone to read. It would be in the interest of the Practice as well.
The best news is the late opening once a week which would definitely help working people to attend to their health. Hope it can be extended to more evenings if it proves to be a success.