Amble Town Council Report #140
Town: 8th June, 13th July, at 6pm in Council Office
Amenities: 25th May, 27th July at 6pm in Council Office
Meetings at 6pm at Fourways 2 Top Floor
When you read this the ceremony to crown King Charles III will be over. Council decided to present our town pupils from Reception to 6th form with a souvenir mug to commemorate the occasion. The Mayor and some Councillors visited assemblies at First schools on the 3rd May and JCSC on the 4th May; after which the gifts were given to all pupils. First school pupils received the ‘crown’ version, JCSC the ‘emblem’ version but all had the town council crest on the base. There are a few left from the order- suggested donation to cover production cost of £6- so if you would like one please contact the office.
From 1st May all councillors’ email addresses have changed to be council specific. These will be updated on the council website and in noticeboards. You can still contact the office on the same email address as before. (See contact details below)
Soon summer bedding will be in place in these. It has not proved possible to put the EIIR bed at Gibson Street- this area will be grassed over and planters placed onto the two areas there. The EIIR bed will now be in the middle of the three beds at Dilston Terrace. The single bed will be the home for the Covid Snake stones. These have been treated by the small group of volunteers who have been longing for a home for them. This should be in place towards the end of the month.

The water feature at Paddlers Park has been damaged once again
Unfortunately our town is still experiencing a lot of this despite more police presence and home visits. It is a shame that some people feel a little intimidated and unable to go out and about and that visitors may be deterred from staying long due to this minority- some not even from our town.
We all need to report any incidents no matter how trivial they may seem as it is only by logging these that we will get more action to stop it.
We are very dismayed that after solving the water feature problems last year, only one week into putting it on this year, it has been vandalised. Someone has deliberately targeted it as all the special bolts have been removed so the top has tipped over, breaking the water pipe and the connecting hose. We will get it mended – yet again- but it is so very disappointing to have to keep spending money again and again on repairs rather than new facilities.
The badly deteriorating path between the top turning circle and section M has been removed and will become a grassed area. We would be grateful if visitors would refrain from walking indiscriminately over this so that it has time to grow. Please keep to the access opening which has been left at present. Councillors have now completed a survey of this section so that ground levels can be evened and any small dips taken care of over the next months.
Unfortunately there are a number of plots which are making maintenance very difficult as owners have used more than the area allowed and placed various items down the grave length. Please remember that planting etc. must not exceed 9ins/ 23cms in front of the memorial.
Where council has contact details, letters will be sent asking for removal of unauthorised items within 14 days. If there are no contact details or no response, the items will be removed and stored for four weeks to enable collection if desired.
Bad parking in this area continues to annoy and frustrate those trying to get down here. Cars parked almost totally on the pavement meaning those with mobility issues or young children in prams etc. are having to go out into the road. Please don’t be the driver who causes someone to be injured doing this- take more care when parking there. Indeed there are other narrow streets in the town where this is also a problem which could and should be avoided.
It seems as though the wintry weather is hardly over but the weeks are going by quite quickly. Soon councillors will be looking round the town and putting forward gardens for judging in July- so hopefully there will be some lovely warm dry days for you all to get busy digging, weeding and planting.
The recent press about the reduction in PCSOs in Northumberland was not well received by Councillors. The number will probably be reduced so that the three areas have only 20 in each. We do appreciate this is so there can be more full time officers for the area but there cannot be many of our people who do not know Darin Fawcett.
Whilst he has been here he has seen the pupils he knew grow up, marry and now he sees their children in the schools and town. Many a young person has benefitted from his kindly words and, when needed, warnings to improve their behaviour before something more serious happens. Council has pleaded with the Police and Crime Commissioner and Chief Constable to retain PCSOs in our town as we know how valuable they are.
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Office hours: 10.30am-12noon & 1.30-3p.m. Monday to Friday Vicki Smith, Town Clerk Minutes available to view in Office or online
This page is written and paid for by Amble Town Council