‘So proud’ of Puffin Theatre Club panto
Puffin Theatre Club successfully staged a festive panto version of ‘A Christmas Carol’ last weekend in Amble.

Puffin Theatre Club performed A Christmas Carol
The show saw children aged 4-12 take to the stage in front of families and supporters from the local community.
The drama club, which has been running since 2018, runs every Saturday morning at St Cuthbert’s Parish Hall under the supervision of teachers Rosie Bush and Sarah Price.
“The children have only been preparing this show since October,” Rosie told us, “We are so proud of how well they performed.”
Sarah added, “Although some of the children have been coming to us for years, others were new in September and have come on really quickly and grown in confidence.”
In fact, the actor playing Scrooge is one of the latest additions to the Puffin Club family, but he did a stellar job in the lead role.
There are spaces for new children to join in January, for more information contact puffintheatreclub@gmail.com