Litter picking heroes

Posted on 07th December 2022 | in Community

Amble Links First School Conservation Club (pictured) headed for the beach earlier in September, to take part in this years Marine Conservation Society’s Great British Beach Clean.
They picked up all of the rubbish along a 100m stretch of beach and logged it all. The weather was perfect and the event was enjoyed by all !

We had an amazing turn out for our autumn litter pick on Saturday 1 October. The event was run as part of the Cross Border Coastal Clean-up with 100’s of volunteers taking part along the northeast coast. We hit a record with 34 bags of rubbish collected in two hours in Amble. This was partly due to the sheer volume of litter around Morrison’s and the surrounding area. A big thank you to the residents who tackled this area.

A big thank you to FC Amble Under 11’s football team for tackling the harbour area, and thanks to the rest of you who went off in all directions!

Lynne Russell


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