Harry McQuillen: Age of Insecurity #137
The Christmas parade and celebrations were a joy. So many people, so much energy and so much fun. I know that I’ll remember this year’s event with great pleasure. The work that goes into the whole show, and the number of contributors was amazing. The weather was just as we’d hoped. Amble came together in a special way. We rejoice in our community spirit, and I feel confident that it will continue.

l-r: Shaun Mckay, Deputy Station Manager Amble Coastguards; Kate Morrison, Amble Events Committee; Harry McQuillen switching on the lights; and Stormy Stan, RNLI mascot
Frailty comes in many forms, and it’s obvious to the people who have it. The physical and mental manifestations are pretty clear to the sufferers.
You don’t lose all your powers at once, but you’re aware of the decline. I’ve known for some time that I can’t do what I did not so long ago. ‘Where did I put…?’ becomes part of daily life. Mind you, that bit becomes easier if one follows Mrs. Beeton’s adage… ‘A place for everything and everything in its place’!
Coordination is not what it was, and physical balance needs care. Most of one’s contemporaries have shuffled off this mortal coil, and the others have their own problems. These truths tend to put everything in perspective.
So, what’s the problem? As I’ve written in earlier articles, there’s quite a lot to worry about. We have people working long hours, yet struggling to cope with the present cost of living. Environmental damage comes in different forms, but it’s widespread and real.

Conflict, killing and injury are taking place on an international scale, with no end in sight. Droughts and floods are odd bedfellows. People who are suffering most are most likely to want to move. Protecting what we have is natural. But that’s not much help to people who have next to nothing.
Climate change has been around for a long time: lots of conferences, and still the rich get richer. There are eight billion of us, and rising, and we are all consumers.
Originality has never been my forte, so I’ll sign off with a note of optimism. Good luck and good gardening.
Best wishes,