Reports from our County Councillors #135

Councillor Terry Clark
Road Markings:
Around the town centre and harbour area, we have highlighted road markings at junctions of the one-way system along Leazes Street. Also double yellow lines have been changed to zig-zag markings. This will now stop vehicles from parking near the harbour car park. Such parking was restricting drivers’ views of oncoming traffic and needed changing.
Southmead Footpath No16 :
After raising this issue with two departments and several officers, I finally arranged a meeting with NCC Rights of Way Officer on site when the footpath is flooded. I explained the situation we have had over the last few years when torrential downpours come every winter and spring making this footpath impassable.
NCC have stated it cannot be left in this condition especially now we know it’s not Northumbrian Water’s responsibility. We will need to look at a drainage design solution. This is likely to be a bit involved as clearly it’ s a low spot in the topography of the area.
Any solution will therefore need to be informed by a survey to determine levels and to identify a suitable outfall point which will also require easement across private land.
Technical Services are investigating potential drainage solutions with their design team and will keep me informed as they identify a scheme. After that we will have a better idea of the estimated cost and can look at funding options
Queen Street Lighting Columns:
Broken columns have been replaced and spruced up; all functioning and ready for the darker nights.
Enjoy your Summer.
Cllr Terry Clark Amble, Hauxley, and North Broomhill, 07779 983768

Councillor Jeff Watson
The consultation on the future of our schools in the Coquet partnership is well underway. I understand we have had over 170 responses from interested parties. A live event was held to share ideas and some parents attended to give their views. The parents I have spoken to seem to be in favour of a two-tier system, but we shall have to wait to see the final outcome.
I get the impression that the James Calvert Spence College is doing well this year and that the results of the efforts of the school staff are coming to fruition.
I am working to ensure that any new design of the campus on Acklington Road include consideration of the sporting needs of Amble.
Our football teams are doing well but the parking of vehicles on Acklington Road from those people attending matches and other activities continues to cause safety concerns.
The new speed indicating sign will help as will the new road layout from the development next to Robsons Way. A 20mph area has been agreed and will be implemented shortly but I still think further work on solving the issues of this busy area is required.
A further two litter bins have been provided by NCC at the new mobile home parking bays at the Braid car park and a continuing monitoring of this area is taking place. As previously stated, the idea is for this trial to be assessed in early autumn with a view to its judging its effectiveness and suitability for future use.
The car park behind Tesco at Turner Street is nearly finished as I write this report and it should be fully open in early August. It will be free for the first hour, giving the opportunity for local shopping etc to take place and then a small charge will be payable.
It will be a great asset to the town and is the result of several years of lobbying by many people and organisations and I am sure the investment by NCC of well over a million and a half pounds will be justified.
The County Council is continuing to help families this summer and vouchers are being issued to assist with the school summer closures and loss of free school lunches.
Enjoy the summer, it looks like a hot one!
I am available on
And by phone on 07802385367
Jeff Watson