Future looks fun with Amble Youth Project
Amble Youth Project welcomes Tina Gibbinson, their new Delivery Manager.Tina lives in Amble so hopes to see you in town or at the AYP building on Dilston Terrace.

Amble Youth Project were recently gifted a cheque of £543.50 from Amble Links Holiday Park
She has been working in the field of Youth and Community since 1998 and her passion is seeing young people grow and thrive into independent and confident young adults. Amble Youth Project has been going for 26 years and we would like to continue to grow and thrive too! You will see Tina and her team out and about on Friday evenings in Amble – Streetbased Youth Work here we come.
We have had Angelina Morrison a Year 12 Student on work experience with us. Angelina is studying Health and Social Care Level 3 at JCSC and would like to train to become a social worker.
We also have a free fun packed, Summer Activities program from August 2 – 25. (Children aged 8-13 welcome) We have lots activities to offer, climbing wall, water sports, multi-sports, arts and crafts and trips out.
Please contact us via Facebook: Amble Youth Project Appeals for a registration and consent form. Or ring Gary on 07449839483

Summer fun with Amble Youth Project
Please check out our website for up-and-coming senior projects and groups (13 to 18 years old) ambleyouthproject.org
Call for more information on 01665 713741 or contact Tina on 07488984053.