More housing proposed in Amble: could this be a tipping point?
Plans have been submitted for a further 60 dwellings on a site which has already had 166 homes approved. Persimmon have submitted the plans to squeeze in the extra houses on land north west of Hauxley Moor House on the A1068, bringing the total proposed on the site to 226.

The area outlined in red shows where the additional 60 houses would go. See planning ref: 22/01138/FUL
This application comes after the introduction of the long awaited Northumberland Local Plan, which identifies that Amble requires 540 additional dwellings between 2016-2036. (That was not a maximum figure). The Plan was formally adopted by Northumberland County Council (NCC) on 31 March 2022, and forms the guidelines upon which subsequent housing developments will be assessed.
Amble residents will not need reminding that the town has been inundated with new housing in recent years. 776 dwellings have begun or been finished since 2016.
This includes:
Coquet Grange (257)
Hauxley Grange (272)
Gloster Hill Farmhouse (42)
St Cuthberts (13)
Longstone Manor (185)
Hindhaugh Homes/Artique (7)
But Amble also has an additional 873 homes in various stages of NCC’s Planning pipeline. These can be seen on the map below:
[#7] Hindhaugh Homes site off Acklington Rd (500)
[#14] Coble Marina (54)
[#9] New Persimmon site on A1068 (166)
[#16] Northumberland Estates on Braid Hill/North Bank (93)
[#9] Additional Persimmon homes on above site (60)

Housing developments begun, finished and proposed in and around Amble since 2014
A Council Planning Officer said “With the new Local Plan now adopted and having full weight in the determination of planning applications, we are now in a much stronger position to be able to manage the scale of new housing necessary to permit across the county.”
With this in mind, the Ambler asks: might it be possible to halt the flow of developments with immediate effect?
Anna Williams
Too much. Have the authorities established that Amble has the necessary roads, schools, doctors, dentists, sewage systems etc. to cope with the predicted expansion? I doubt it, let’s see the proof that they have.
It is all very well building all of these houses;if the town does not have addittional infrastructure to support this increase the community will suffer.So many houses are squeezed into a small area;the community and people suffer;as room sizes are smaller,back or front yards non existant;not a good form for social living;few parks or play areas.The houses lack proper insulation;hence heating and cooling costs increase;so it is cheap housing,not good quality affordable housing that is sustainable or eco friendly;the Council don’t or the Concillors don’t care they aren’t going to live their;usually it’s buid and forget as they never go back around to maintain verges etc.
We moved to Amble in 2001 from within the bounds of the M25 for a much more leisurely way of life. It was great to begin with, but there is now so much land being taken for house building that the area is fast becoming overcrowded as it is in Essex. Take into consideration the fact that for every house there are probably one or two cars per household, the medical centre can barely cope now, getting a dentist is almost impossible, the roads in the area are already under pressure etc. Wherever you look now there are houses being built. Work in the area is not easy to find either. This last point can be cancelled out if all the new occupants are ‘wrinklies’…….
Owned a caravan at amble for 26 years then moved up there and lived there for 10 years from 2009 till 2019, In that short space of time I literally watched that beautiful village be ruined by greedy developers and yes men on council assisted by the greedy Duke of Northumberland and his wife, what a bastard disgrace. Robson green, (the posh geordie) done his bit in to help ruin the town with his TV programme encouraging every Tom dick & Harry to move there then Vera made matters worse with her program (the don’t even live here!) l just hope someone builds in there back garden, I just had to say my peice folks it saddens me every time I visit the place now. Ps. Big is not always better and greed destroys everything.. R. I. P the little amble I loved..