Fruit of our labours
A community orchard is planned for Amble and volunteers are being asked to get involved.
Amble Development Trust have already planted around 20 fruit trees and are looking to plant many more.
Andrew Gooding told The Ambler, “There’s a lot of talk about the environment now and it’s increasingly apparent that communities need to grow more trees. An orchard is an ideal way to and capture carbon, provide food, and encourage healthy eating.”
The Trust is encouraging people to get involved, and the hope is that eventually people can help themselves to the fresh fruit, and some can be used by the food bank.
“It will be another three to four years before we see any fruit,” said Andrew, “but if anyone would like to get involved in planning, planting and maintaining the community orchard, please get in touch.”
You can contact Andrew:
More trees to be planted; see Trust Life, and Town Council report