Reports from our County Councillors #129

Councillor Terry Clark
I hope that you are well and keeping safe. If I were to describe this past year I would say it’s been challenging with pockets of wonderful. Challenging in that we all have had to adapt to a new way of living, working and communicating with each other and loved ones. Pockets of wonderful coming from Amble Medical Centre Team, all doing an amazing, efficient job vaccinating our community. Thank you for everything you do. You are very much appreciated.
Hopefully vaccines are doing their job and we can start living life as normal as possible again.
It is challenging when we have sporadic outbursts of Anti Social Behaviour within Amble and surrounding areas. Residents need to contact the Police on 101 and make them aware of incidents to assist in any Police action dealing with the ASB.
From a community safety point of view Public Protection Officers can be contacted: NCC Team phone 0345 600 6400 ask for Public Protection.
P.P. Officers will be working with the police to identify any young people who are regularly involved in ASB and who would benefit from extra support to divert them away from this behaviour and prevent them going on to offend. Support would also be offered to their families. While it will not solve the current issues, experience shows that it does help Public Protection Officers in tackling issues long term, and this can have an effect on things in the future.
• Church Street new tarmac footpaths: another excellent, swift job with minimum disruption. A great job by all involved. (New bus stop metal barrier in place also new lighting column).
• Small Scheme Budget: I had a balance of over £2000 which I had to spend before May’s election, I had permission to share these funds between:-
Hauxley Nature Reserve. Assisting with repairs caused by vandalism.
Amble Lifeboat Station. Assisting with the day- to- day running: over the last year not being able to hold regular coffee mornings and missing out with Lifeboat day have cut down on income.
I was pleased to be able to help these organisations They are both very grateful.
A massive thank you to all the residents in Amble, North Broomhill and Hauxley who contacted me with congratulations upon my re-election as County Councillor. This certainly is a fantastic ward to represent. I am certainly honoured and grateful for your continued support.
Any issues please let me know.
Cllr Terry Clark
Amble, Hauxley, North Broomhill

Councillor Jeff Watson
I am sure we all realise that the Covid pandemic has had a great effect on visitor numbers to Amble. It is not surprising that under the current conditions people are reluctant to travel abroad and more and more people are looking for UK holiday breaks. I guess that’s the same for residents of Amble too.
Tourism and its associated activities without doubt is the biggest employer in our town and provides employment for a cross section of our residents and provides opportunities for our young people that otherwise wouldn’t exist.
However, the influx of visitors makes it difficult for residents especially at the peak times. Parking continues to be an issue that we must cope with. NCC are about to start physical work on the extension to the Turner Street Car Park ( all the required tests etc have now been carried out) and when complete the well over a million pounds expenditure on it should improve town centre parking.
I have arranged with the co-operation of Warkworth Parish Council for an overflow car park on the Braid (which is in Warkworth Parish). It has been in use for a few weeks, and it certainly helps at peak times.
I am pleased that we have been able to assist families who qualify for free school meals with a voucher that can be used over the summer holidays to assist them over this period. These vouchers for £100 are available for use up to the 30th September and can be used at local shops.
Enjoy the Summer!
I am available on
To Councillor Jeff Watson
As a holiday home owner at Amble I welcome the new car parking development at Turner Street.
However, I would like to make you aware of the disgraceful lane at the back of Queen Street, backing on to Turner Street, where takeaway shop owners have overflowing food waste bins (bins are only resident size bins!) , and rubbish accumulates attracting rats which are regularly seen running down the lane. This cannot be acceptable for the people living in the houses there (my Sister being one of them). Also the lane and waste land at the back of Queen St do not give a good impression when tourists are looking for their parking places in the area.
How do i find out who owns the bit of waste land in Turner Street where the old dairy used to be, the weeds are 6ft high and are growing against the houses on both sides . It’s full of rubbish from the takeaways, beer cans and bottles all the drains are blocked so when it rains the stagnant water gathers and starts to smell. Its a proper eyesore surely the owner of the land should be responsible to keep it tidy.