Amble Town Council report #128
All meetings at 6pm – details on website
Town: 10th June, 8th July, 12th August (tbc)
Amenities: 27th May (tbc)
All those who were Council members stood for re-election and were elected again unopposed. There remains a vacancy in the Central ward and after confirmation is received from NCC Elections Officers, it is likely Council will begin the Co-option procedure so that the town has its full complement as soon as possible. If you are interested in being considered contact the Clerk for information about the process and please do attend a council meeting to familiarise yourself with proceedings.
It is hoped that Council can soon begin physical ‘face to face’ meetings again rather than the virtual ones we have held during the Covid restrictions. Our office has limited space for public participation within full council meetings and we may therefore have to hold meetings elsewhere so we can adhere to social distancing. We are currently exploring the options of venues available and perhaps possibly asking you to register beforehand if you wish to attend. Please look at the website for the most up to date information about meetings.
On behalf of the town, whilst Council was able to lay a small floral tribute and observe the national minute’s silence for His Royal Highness The Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh sadly due to the Covid regulations regarding ‘gatherings’ this could not be advertised. Neither could the book of condolences be placed in the town for those who wished to record some words of sympathy in memory of him. Council will however be considering whether to place a type of lasting memorial in his memory.
The new planting for the main beds has been delayed until June but meanwhile the wallflowers continue to bloom and delight passers- by.
The damaged wall has now been repaired. Larger trees have been pollarded and smaller shrubs will be cut back to tidy the area further.
We were delighted to accept some small saplings from Friends of the Earth which have been planted on the far western boundary of the cemetery where it is hoped they will thrive and grow to full maturity to add to the magnificent ones already within the cemetery. We are applying also to the NCC initiative so that over time we can add more to that boundary.
Work will start soon on placing some drainage in the new section of the cemetery before it comes into use. We hope you will bear with us whilst this is carried out and we appreciate the contractor’s understanding in pausing work during interments.
Brambles and straggly undergrowth have been removed and laurels have been planted by the newer fence in the cremated remains area to form a pleasanter background there. A memorial seat has been placed in the cemetery; Council are very grateful for the family’s generosity and thoughtfulness.
You may have noticed that the seat by the new Persimmons development is no longer there. It was removed to facilitate utility works and is being stored by them meanwhile. Council have suggested it should be reinstated nearer the Right of Way to Hauxley as a better resting point for walkers.
Places will be even more restricted whilst work takes place to expand the central car park in the town. We are also likely to experience a higher volume of visitors due to ‘staycations’ this year. Remember that we are all being urged to use the car less and exercise more if we can. Please try to restrict your usage of a vehicle whenever possible; but do park considerably if you must drive into the town- particularly in the central area.
Check out Amble Remembers WWII on
The pointing around the base of the clock tower will be renewed soon by a conservation specialist; the new floodlights have been installed and the clock is working correctly again. Like all our gardens, the plants and the new tree have been suffering in the unseasonably dry and sunny weather but hopefully will soon thrive again. Warkworth and Amble Rotary Club will be planting the raised bed which they have asked to maintain. With the lifting of some of the Covid restrictions it is hoped that work can commence soon on the Seafarers’ memorial which has eventually been granted planning permission.
Recently people have been walking more and noticing the wonderful trees throughout the town. Surpise is expressed when it is learnt that Amble has few trees with Preservation orders (TPO) – these restrict what can be done to them. Apart from those in West Avenue, there are only two trees with TPOs. Council have submitted a request to NCC to have more of our trees accepted for TPOs and await a response.
A new prototype has been developed for the water feature and will be installed soon. It is hoped it will overcome the problems experienced since this was installed. Due to the climate here and the sea spray, the graphics are deteriorating- but are being made worse by those who are chipping away at the edges to make the holes even larger! As an interim measure specialist paint has been tried but unfortunately that was not very successful. We continue to try to source a manufacturer who is willing to lift and redo these at a reasonable cost; however if this is not possible, or they suffer too much vandalism, they may have to be removed.