Taking your pets abroad post Brexit
As of 1 January 2021 all current pet passports issued in Great Britain are no longer valid for travel to Europe or Northern Ireland.
1. Your dog, cat or ferret must be microchipped.
2. They must receive a rabies vaccination. They must be older than 12 weeks to receive this.
3. 21 days after the vaccination they can travel. It is important that you keep your pet’s rabies vaccinations up to date.
4. No more than 10 days before travelling you must visit us so one of our Official Vets can issue an ‘Animal Health Certificate’ to enable you to travel to the European Union (EU). Proof of your pet’s microchipping date and rabies vaccination history will be required.
A new Animal Health Certificate will be required for each journey to the EU or Northern Ireland.
For more information see www.coquetvets.co.uk/pet-travel-after-brexit
From the team at Coquet Vets
01665 252 250