Trust Life #124
Welcome back to Trust Life. I’m going to start with some good news but replacing one dreaded (by some) C word for the even worse C19 words!
While we may not be able to hold the annual Torchlight Procession, the Events Committee are supporting an innovative idea put forward by Frances Anderson of Drywater Arts, who also sits on the committee.
We couldn’t let Christmas pass without some form of celebration, so while we cannot have the physical workshops and parade, we are going to do something different where anyone who wants to participate still can and help to light up the town – the Amble Festival of Light!

Hand made lanterns will form the basis of Amble Festival of Light
The Amble Festival of Light will bring light, togetherness and celebration to the streets and doorsteps of Amble without having to leave your doorstep or street.
The concept it that as many people as possible make a doorstep lantern or a light installation in gardens or windows, or lighting up back yards or back lanes or decorate with banners etc, so every street is lit up somehow with individual offerings – or it could even be as simple as just candle in the window.
Information on what we are proposing will be on Drywater Arts’ website and will include the following:
• materials available
• downloadable info sheets /materials / kits
• info on the festival workshops / films / downloadable info/ which means they can all be accessed online from one page and streets and individuals can sign up online via the page for kits etc and can be allocated a time to pick up from the Dry Water Shed.
• workshops for schools via a video link.
• Live zoom support Q and A sessions for participants and street coordinators
• Live Map of streets and participating houses so people can visit street by street
• Online community storytelling workshop and local myth creation workshop with Malcolm Green storyteller and Author of Northumbria Folk tales
• Online resource of stories / myths created by participants
Our chosen theme for this event is Myths and Legends (real or imagined!) so get your thinking caps on, let your imagination run free and let us light up the town. After all at the time of writing we may well be in lockdown again and looking for something creative to do with our time – sorry!
Julia and Trust staff