Thank you to more local heroes
Thank you to everyone who nominated a ‘local hero’ for this issue. In the last Ambler, we began a list of people who we think deserved a big pat on the back and thank you, for all the work they’ve done for our community during the last few months.
Some have gone above and beyond their normal work practise, others have volunteered their time and energy to help the vulnerable in our community.
We think they deserve praise for their tireless efforts. Is there anyone else you think deserves to be thanked?
Health Care services and businesses
- Alison Wintripp
- Heather Osbourne
- Heatherdale staff
- Dolphin View staff
- Boots staff (Laura and Sarah pictured)
We received nominations for Alison Wintrip, Heather Osborne, and “all the staff at Heatherdale Care Home (some pictured above) who’ve done an amazing job keeping all the older people busy and happy and safe from covid.” diligence during lockdown.
Another reader said “I would like to thank all the carers in the Amble area, and the carers at Dolphin View (pictured above) as this has been a hard time for all key workers.”
“Boots’ staff delivered medicines to residents out of the goodness of their hearts and in their own time, to make sure no one was put at risk.”
- Lorraine Hudson/Sweet & Flour pod
- Jeff/Roland’s Butchers
- Turning Point staff, Morpeth
Sweet & Flour pod: From day one of lockdown, Lorraine was a whirlwind, baking and delivering goods – from eggs and flour, to cheesecakes and treat boxes.
“Roland’s butchers, especially Jeff who went out every night delivering food to people in shielding, and to all the staff.”
“All the staff from Turning Point who supported my son who has learning disabilities and his housemates throughout the pandemic.”
Community groups and individuals
- Sarah Gray
- Meg Dixon
- Luke McTaggart
“I’d like to nominate Sarah Gray. She is the inspirational director of Harbour Lights Choir has kept us together singing on line”
“Meg has enabled St Cuthberts Parish Church to broadcast weekly services and daily prayers. Her patience and technical skills knows no bounds.”
“Luke has been out delivering parcels of food in all weathers with his little buggy. Good on him and all the food parcel providers.”
- Amble Sewing for the NHS group
- Nicola Patterson/Amble PO
- Sue Swanston
Amble’s ‘Sewing for the NHS‘ group was nominated “The team are phenomenal, and also everyone who donated fabric & other materials.” So far the group have made 2512 individual items of PPE.
“I want to thank Nicola in the Post Office. All the way through, she sat on her own, keeping the Postal Service going, and with a lovely smile on her face!”
“Sue delivered food boxes from AgeUK, to those who used St Mark’s Puffin Lounge, a group for those with dementia and their carers. She still keeps in contact.”
- Sam Bewley/Newspaper deliverers
- Who do you suggest?
The newspaper delivery team at Premier Convenience Store were nominated: Laurie Wilkinson, Ellis Bell, Sam Bewley, Callum Rowell, Lyla Smith, Malachi Watters and Grace Armstrong.
A particular mention to: “13 yr old paper boy, [my] Grandson Sam, has coped with increased deliveries and has met some of his lovely customers (Gloster Park- Robson Way)”
Who else would you thank?
Related articles: Local heroes who deserve our thanks
Sharon Crisp of Crispy’s Cakes and Cookies, who on hearing that the government has voted not to support chuldren’s free school meals over the holidays is going to supply packed lunches for children over this time.
Bertrams in Warkworth, offering free packed lunches to children locally ( 4 mile radius ) , following the government’s refusal to provide free school meals for children during the holiday period.
The Radcliffe Club offering free hot meals to all children who need them, in the school holidays.