Reports from our County Councillors: #123

Councillor Jeff Watson
The last few months have been dominated by Covid-19 and its effect on our community.
I have been very impressed with how the residents of Amble have behaved during this crisis. My observations of Queen Street, Morrisons and the Harbour area are that people have been very good in following the precautions requested.
When NCC (after consultation) signed a one way system on Queen Street some people thought it would not work, well it has! Apart from one or two uncaring individuals, the system is being adhered to very well indeed, as are the precautions in shops etc.
We have been fortunate here in Amble, sadly we have had a few deaths but many less than other parts of the country. Any Covid death is a tragedy for someone, and I sincerely hope that we have seen the last one; by following common sense rules that should be the case.
I have been working with officers of the County Council about the schedule of reopening of amenities and businesses in Amble and elsewhere over the last few months, and have supplied local knowledge to help make the right timetable for these openings.
I also have been able to assist with Government grants for certain businesses who were experiencing difficulty in obtaining them.
Please keep up sensible Covid precautions and continue to make our town a safe place. 0780 238 5367

Councillor Terry Clark
To the NHS workers battling on the front lines and the cleaners, cooks, porters, managers and backroom staff who keep our NHS running. To the lab technicians, pharmacists and scientists who run tests, prescribe medicine and work on treatments. To those creating and distributing vital medicines and medical equipment. To the social care workers caring for our loved ones in these difficult times.
To the transport and logistics workers on the buses, trains, ports and airports keeping supplies moving and ensuring key workers can get to work. To the police, police support staff, firefighters, prison, army, defence and court staff doing everything they can to keep us safe. To the food production, distribution and shop workers keeping us fed. To the infrastructure and utility workers keeping our water clean, our homes heated and our lights on.
To the schools and nursery staff caring for the children of those that cannot stay at home. To the civil servants and local government workers maintaining vital services. To the delivery, telecoms and postal workers keeping us supplied and connected with our loved ones. To the banking and financial services staff keeping our payments systems functioning. To the religious staff and those helping us through the hardest of times.