Amble Town Council report: #123
All meetings at 6pm via Zoom until further notice – details on website
Town: 13th August, 10th September, 15th October
The pandemic has had an effect on all our lives, both personally and professionally. We have all had to adjust to numerous new guidelines and recommended ways to keep us as safe as possible. As more businesses reopen and we can start some leisure pursuits again, we must still be cautious. Whilst the council office has been closed we are still available by email or telephone.
The office itself has undergone a complete restructure to be Covid 19 compliant to keep our staff and visitors as safe as possible. If you have made an appointment to come to the office please observe the new entry system and wait patiently until asked to enter.
There are signs at our cemeteries and gardens urging everyone to keep to social distancing and to wash hands after visits- better still take hand sanitizer with you. Those at Paddlers Park also ask that only one person uses a piece of equipment at any one time so that distancing can be observed.
Our social media has carried a poster- thanks to Cllr Parks- with up to date information which is in greater detail on the website. It has been fantastic to see so many people and businesses in the town doing all they can to help others- Amble’s wonderful community spirit has cheered us all through these difficult times.

Mayor Craig Weir and Penny Horseman from the Church Army
July 4th was 80 years since this dredger was sunk at the entrance to the harbour mouth; despite valiant efforts, three men lost their lives. It was planned to hold a commemoration service at the end of the pier and lay floral tributes at sea. Due to the Covid restrictions the planned large scale event had to be cancelled; however Davey Gray kindly offered to take a very small group out. There was a short moving memorial service and floral tributes including one laid by the Mayor on behalf of the town were placed in the sea. There are still plans to erect an interpretation along the pier and to have a separate memorial for seafarers. Ideas of how to achieve this are also being investigated as well as sources of funding.
We are pleased our insurers have agreed to the replacement bus shelter for the one knocked down in Church Street- it is on order but we await an installation date. The coal truck planters at Paddlers Park and JCSC are being renovated having done well to last five years from when Sodexo made them in HMP Northumberland workshops. Hopefully by the time you read these they will be filled with blooms again. At long last the water has been reconnected at the West Cemetery; please remember to either place your containers on the pole provided or in the litter bins otherwise they blow everywhere and look very unsightly.

Amble Town Council audited accounts 2020