Corona Diary: Day 02
The diary of a student who is no longer in school, following what this new virus means for us.
There’s been a lot of advice recently about social distancing and trying to limit how much we talk to people. Unfortunately, it’s hard to know exactly what we should be doing. Should we just not leave the house? Is it okay to go for a walk as long as you don’t touch anything? It’s difficult to tell.
With pubs, restaurants, cafés, schools and more closed down, the government is advising that we stay in the house as much as possible. For many people today, that meant missing out on spending time with their mothers on mother’s day as the risk of spreading the virus was too great, so already we can see that social distancing is having an impact on our lives.

Mother’s day chocolates and a card for my mum.
For me, it wasn’t mother’s day that social distancing affected. Yesterday, it was my friend’s 16th birthday, and she’d been planning to take us all out bowling to celebrate. This had to be cancelled last minute. It was upsetting for me to not be able to see her on her birthday, but it was even worse for her- you only turn 16 once, and she didn’t get the chance to celebrate it with her friends.
Although these instances where social distancing means we miss out on important events such as mother’s day celebrations and birthday parties are troubling, it’s important that we continue to isolate as much as possible. One trip bowling may not seem like a big thing, but every surface we touch could lead to us picking up or spreading the virus, meaning that even opening a door could have life-threatening consequences for someone down the line. It’s impossible to tell what kind of impact we’re having.
Missing out on things is never fun. However, the more closely we follow the advice (staying at home as much as possible), the quicker we can stop this virus, which overall leads to less social distancing and less missing out. We don’t know exactly what we need to do to keep ourselves and everyone else safe, so we just need to try our best to stay away from others for the time being. I’m hoping it’ll be worth it in the long run.
by Lily Tibbitts
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