Amble Food Bank’s music event
The Amble Food Bank organisers wish to thank the people of Amble and surrounding areas for their additional donations over the summer. They hope the trend continues.

You can leave donations for Amble Food Bank at both Co-ops in Amble and The Galley on Queen Street. Or contact them at
Music event
An event has been arranged on October 12 in the Masons Arms on Woodbine Street by an Amble singer/songwriter who wants to generate funds for the Food Bank.
The event will start at 7pm and tickets will cost £10 including a buffet. Tickets are available from the Masons Arms or by contacting the Amble Food Bank email address.
Thanks go to the allotment holders and gardeners for donations of fresh fruit and vegetables, these donations have been well received by the families in the areas. Please continue your donations.
Thanks for your support
Thanks also to the Cock and Bull for hosting an event and other organisations that have collected on behalf of the Food Bank.
Local people are asked to carry on adding an extra tin or packet to their shopping and dropping it off at either of the Amble Co-ops and now also at The Galley on Queen Street.
For more information on food items required, or for tickets to the music event, please email: