Views sought on proposed changes to Amble Town Council
The electoral arrangements of Amble Town Council are currently being examined with a view to amending its boundaries with Warkworth and Hauxley Parish Councils.

Proposed boundary changes to Amble, Warkworth and Hauxley
There is also a proposal to increase the number of councillors from nine to eleven, with the two new members being split between the East and West Wards.
Amble Town Council has requested the following amendments be made to its electoral arrangements:
- To change the boundary with Warkworth Parish Council to include Rivergreen, Mariner’s View, Gloster Hill area to the Farm Cottages and the new housing development.
- To change the boundary with Hauxley Parish Council to include the whole of the sewerage works and the remainder of the adjacent field.
- The total number of members of the Town Council be increased from nine to eleven with the two new members being split between the East and West Wards. This change would accommodate recent new development and future residential developments which have been approved and could be built within the next five years.
How to give your views
Northumberland County Council has the powers to conduct community governance reviews which can involve creating new, or amalgamating parishes and amending electoral arrangements. The Parish Council has asked the authority to carry out such a review.
The County Council is now consulting with local electors and other stakeholders in the area about the proposals.
Maps can be found on the county council website and searching for community governance.
If you would like to make your views known, they should be submitted, in writing, by 18 October 2019 to :-
Lesley Bennett
Senior Democratic Services Officer,
Democratic Services,
Northumberland County Council,
County Hall,
NE61 2EF
OR E-mail –
UPDATE: the map has been changed as the previous version contained a suggested land swap area with Hauxley. This information was given in error, and has been removed.